The White House, Washington D.C., December 2020
"My fellow Americans: I come to you for what may be my last address as your President. I, like millions of you, believe that there is probable cause to believe that the votes in this recent election have not been counted accurately. I could press on challenging the results. However, I can see no good for our beloved country coming from my doing so. I accept the advice of members of my cabinet that there is, at this time, insufficient evidence to press ahead with challenges. I have, therefore, reached one of the most difficult decisions of my lifetime. I will henceforth cease all challenges to the results of this election.
We have been unable to convince the courts of this land, including the highest court, to overturn the vote count in any state. Out of respect for the Judiciary as a separate and coequal branch of government, I will honor their decisions and cease all challenges to the electoral count.
Word has come to me that many of you are planning to come here to the capitol in January to show your support for me. While this would be greatly encouraging to me personally I can see no good coming from it for our country. I can only see the possibility of the event being somehow misused by those who wish us ill. I therefore plead with you to not go ahead with this gathering. Please, I beg of you, remain at your homes and your jobs.
We believe that the historical record will show that with your support we have been able to do more good for this country than any single term in history. While there is much more to do to secure our freedoms, to strengthen our economy, to secure our borders and to stop foreign threats to our security we have done all we can do in one term. We have done this even with unparalleled hostility against us from the day we were elected. Unreasoning hatred for me has motivated our opposition to do harm to our country in pursuit of fanatical efforts to destroy me. This leads me to express a sincere regret.
In my zeal to defend your liberties I am afraid I may have at times stooped to the level of our opposition. If I had it to do over I would not have used social media to engage in verbal battles with those who were unworthy of a reply. I now urge all of you who have supported me to stay on the high ground in the days ahead. Do not under any circumstances stoop to the level of those who may have won this election unfairly. Let us all work toward winning the House and Senate in 2022 by reasoned and civil argument and fair and honest electoral campaigns.
To show that the cause I have been fighting for is not my personal advancement but rather the cause of our freedoms, I now solemnly pledge to you that I will never again run for any elected office. I will support those like Vice President Pence and others who are worthy of your trust. I will now devote myself to a smooth transition to the new administration. I intend to spend these last days of my administration in a way that will make you proud of your trust in me. The torch I have carried for you these four years will now be picked up and carried by others. Give them your support and prayers for their success and safety.
It is customary to close a Presidential address with the words 'God Bless America'. He has, in fact, blessed us all far more than we deserve. For this we are profoundly and eternally grateful."
Donald J. Trump