Sunday, November 29, 2015


      Hard to believe it's been fifty years already.  A new generation has come of age who has no memory of Paul Harvey.  It has been said that he was such a master of radio broadcasting that he could read the telephone directory and hold you spell bound.  Fifty years ago he read on the air his classic "If I Were The Devil".   If you've never read it you can find it easily on the internet or better yet you can probably hear Paul himself read it somewhere on Youtube.   All this background so that you will not charge me with plagiarism for using the phrase "if I were the devil".

     If I were the devil I would have to freely admit that I have been behind the abuse and murder of children since the beginning of human evil.  I would freely admit that I am behind the killing of children before they are born.  Now, that would not include those rare instances where taking the life of the unborn would be necessary to save the life of the mother.  No, those are very, very rare but I have convinced a lot of women that their lives would be ruined unless they "get rid of this child before it's born".  So, if there is an organization that claims to promote "women's health" but that destroys millions of babies in their mother's womb, then I, as the devil, must be involved in this somewhere.  Right?

     I failed to get Moses and Jesus killed right after they were born, so I learned my lesson and I go after these pesky kids before they are born.  Now, if this organization that kills so many preborn infants suddenly gets a very bad reputation, how can I generate sympathy for them?  It seems that killing preborn infants was not enough for them.  No, they had to start selling the  body parts!  I now have a gigantic PR problem with one of my favorite groups. 

     I am, after all, the devil, meaning 'the diabolical one', so coming up with a solution to the PR problem is fairly easy for me.  There is this guy who is heavily under the influence of one of my demons.  So, I tell the demon, "whisper in that guy's ear to go shoot up a PP clinic".   Problem solved.  Massive outpouring of sympathy for my kind of organization.  

     Let me now set aside this "if I were the devil" manner of speaking and talk straight from my heart.  Those employees of PP (not to mention the police officer) who were murdered were just as precious in the sight of God as the babies who perish in these 'clinics'.  Only the most warped kind of reasoning rejoices at assault and murder perpetrated against those employees.  Most of those in PP 'clinics' across the U.S. are not consciously thinking, "I love to see babies killed".  They probably think of themselves as doing a noble task by serving the health needs of women.  But at some point they have to suppress the voice of conscience and keep telling themselves that "these women need to have the right to choose" or some other such reasoning.  But being sinners does not diminish their worth, or your worth, or my worth, in the sight of God.

     And there is no denying that some women sometimes get very necessary health care at PP; care that could be given without destroying children. A balanced view of what happened at Colorado Springs is not all that easy to come by.  A profound sympathy for those who were attacked is one part of the equation.  That the prince of darkness really hates those PP employees as much as he hates the babies they sometimes assist in destroying is also a big part.  The final part is that the 'god of this present age' (II Cor. 4:4) will do everything in his power to spread the idea that "these Christians who have criticized PP are to blame for this violence and we must silence them!"  If we think that massive hatred toward believers in Christ "could not happen here" we only need look at how successful the enemy has been at getting otherwise brilliant legal minds to believe "that the fetus is not a person". 

     I have also noticed that some who call themselves "evangelicals" have supported the political party that promotes the killing of the unborn.  They have justified this by saying that "this party does more to help the poor".  That claim is of course false and irrelevant even if were true.  So, I have not been surprised that these same persons have recently supported same sex "marriage".  They are as devoid of true absolutes and as inventive of arbitrary absolutes as any other modern humanist.  By their fruits you shall know them. 

      Prayer:  Thank you Heavenly Father for the crisis pregnancy clinics operated by your children all over this country.  Please bless them greatly.  Please, also,  open the hearts of many PP employees to turn to You.  Please open their eyes to see all persons, in whatever stage of development, as of infinite value because we are created in Your Image.   In Jesus Name.

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