Wednesday, January 13, 2016


     "I had so much to do today that I began by praying for two hours".  (From the Journal of John Wesley)   I once read statements like that wondering "what in the world do you pray about for two hours?"  It seemed like I would run out of things in two minutes!  Much different now -- very, very different.  How good to talk to the Father at any time during the day, as often as I wish, without keeping track of time.  The rest of the time I try to listen to Him.  "My sheep hear my voice" said the Son of God. 
     Is the title of this blog true?  Do I really mention your name in His Presence.  I probably have or shortly will.  A print out of the entire list of my Facebook friends with their photos went to 26 pages -- in full color.  (The printer says "ink low".)  That list goes with the 27 pages (8 1/2 x 14 small print) with names of nearly every student I ever had at Mansfield Christian School in 34 years.   Those two lists go with an entire church family, cousins, neighbors, government officials and (moving up to the top of the list) three children and spouses, seven grandchildren, and, at the very top of the list my best friend who also happens to be married to me.  Have I left out anyone?
     It would be very dishonest to imply that every name, including yours, on those lists is spoken to The Father every day.  And even if I kept track of the total time I spent talking to Him I would never, ever tell anyone.  John Wesley's statement about spending two hours in prayer was for his personal records and he probably never dreamed that those journals would someday be printed by the thousands.   How do I pray for someone when I only know their name and little or nothing about their current situation.  "We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that word cannot express . . . because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.  (Romans 8:26-27)
    It might go like this:  "Father, you know whether each of these that I will name in Your Presence is walking with You, or in rebellion against You, or if they are facing a great crisis, or . . . whatever; You know Father.  So in naming them before Your Presence I know that You will bring whatever form of blessing is needed.  Thank You Father."  And then, one by one, I simply speak that person's name, perhaps yours.  Long ago I came to believe in the power of The Blessing.  I traced it through Scripture and saw how powerful it is.  I often say to people:  "You are blessed, whether you like it or not".  There is just enough humor in the words to keep me from sounding too pious or proud. 
    I bless, in the Name of Jesus, people I don't even know, especially children.  I even urge men who are struggling with pornography to immediately, upon looking at the photo or at the person herself, say:  "Father, I ask you to bless her", and keep repeating, "bless her Father".    Not only is the power of The Blessing not grasped by many believers, but few understand what cursing really means.  It is, in fact, nothing less than the absence of blessing.  The failure to bless someone often leaves them open to the working of evil.  Thus, they are cursed.  When the Holy Spirit brings someone to my mind, even at night when I suddenly awake, I take it to mean that they are in some danger, whether they realize it or not.  I speak their name for blessing before the Father even though I may never know in this life what they are delivered from.  Frequently I pray this in the widest sense.  "Father, if there is an evil person now planning to do great harm somewhere, to murder children in a school, or to murder others, I beg You Father to restrain that evil at this moment."
    Back to those long lists of friends, former students and others;  if I only mention a person before the Father once in a month or even once in a year, THE HEAVENLY FATHER DOES NOT FORGET!   If I only meet a stranger once and bless them in the Name of Jesus that one time, I know on the authority of the Word of God that the blessing will endure into eternity.  
            Back to the 26 pages of Facebook friends.  Why do I rarely, if ever, see most of those names?  Is it entirely because of the way that the Facebook main frame computer is programmed or does some of it have to do with the reality that a friend may be a friend in name only and not really all that interested in you or how things are going for you?   "I no longer call you servants . . .  I have called you friends."  (John 15:15)  And He means it.


  1. Thank you for praying for me, and others! It means a lot to me, and probably for those that don't even know that you pray for. I remember reading recently about you never trying to miss an opportunity to bless a child, and I have since been praying blessings on children, both ones I know and those I don't. We were on a plane last night flying to El Paso, TX, and there were 2 babies on the plane. The plane broke down before we were to leave, trapping all passengers on the plane for a much longer time, and it was already a long flight. I prayed for the children and their parents, and they were so good the whole flight. I think about previously how many times I didn't think to pray for others that I didn't know, and all the missed opportunities. Thank you for sharing with us what you have learned in life. You are a blessing, and God is using you. Have a great day! :)

  2. I headed, as many in my generation, into drugs. Free love and bell bottoms and blah.....blah.....blah. But nothing matches the rush of The Holy Spirit. Great blog this time. I always enjoy them. Please don't stop!

  3. Russ, I found this a helpful post for several reasons: 1) I remember you writing on social media about blessing a young child that you encountered. What POWER we have at our disposal to be able to give blessings to one another. 2) I am so grateful for Romans 8:26-17; I use it very, very often when I am at a loss as to how or what to pray. What a gift that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us! 3) This past year has been very challenging for me. This Christmas I was particularly depressed. BUT in recent days I have absolutely felt the power of the Blessing. I have felt that others were praying for me...and I mean really felt it. Losing loved ones, watching friends and relatives struggling with their health, being concerned over a loved one who has not yet accepted Christ...All of these things were bringing me down, down, down into despair. I was extremely unhappy... Then suddenly I felt the Power of the Lord. Some circumstances had not changed; some had, Praise the Lord. But I became calmer and filled with a JOY that I still have. I was reminded that 'happiness' is circumstantial but JOY transcends circumstances. I knew this, but I believe I was reminded of this through others praying for me. Whoever prayed and whatever they prayed was ‘translated’ by the Holy Spirit into just the right message for me to hear. Since then, of course the devil has tried to bring me down again but with the Grace and Power of the Lord he will NOT succeed.

  4. Thank you for praying for me!
    ~A former student
