Tuesday, April 19, 2016


"I now believe that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble."  (Donald Trump)

"My statement about 'New York values' was utterly thoughtless.  It could cost me the Presidency."  (Ted Cruz)

"It's about time I admitted my arrogance and dishonesty and trust the American people to forgive me."  (Hillary Clinton)

"Abraham Lincoln was right when he condemned people who want to get their bread from the sweat of other people's faces."  (Bernie Sanders)

"The text for my message today is 'Unless you repent you will all likewise perish' ."  (Joel Osteen)

"Our greatest problem as African-Americans is not white people.  It is having babies outside of marriage.   Three fourths of black children are growing up without fathers to guide, discipline and love them.  That is our problem."  (Al Sharpton)

"I have accepted an invitation to speak at the world congress of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christians.  I have spent forty years telling these brothers in Christ what they are doing wrong.  Now I want to encourage them and tell them what they are doing right."  (John MacArthur)

"I have repented of the sin of turning the sacred event of being filled with the Holy Spirit into television entertainment and a means of making myself rich."  (Benny Hinn)

"God may never heal you.  Instead He may say to you 'My grace is sufficient for you'."  (Richard Roberts son of Oral Roberts)

"I should have read more of John Wesley and less of John Calvin."  (R.C. Sproul)

"My policies have been nothing less than sin against the Most High God.  Pray that He will forgive me."  (Barak Obama)

"I am going to be more honest about the enormity of evidence against my belief in 'young-earth-flood-geology' and be much more charitable toward Christians who disagree with me."  (Ken Hamm)

"It is time to admit that Christians like William Lane Craig have shown the fallacies in my atheistic beliefs.  I may be an agnostic but atheism is clearly untenable."  (Richard Dawkins)

"I am going to quit writing blogs."  (R.D. Enzor)

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